Sanitize vs. Disinfect: What Is the Difference?

When it comes to sanitize vs. disinfect debate, many people understand the difference between the two terms. So, what is sanitizing? What is disinfecting? Do the differences between the two really matter? By differentiating the two terms, you can know the cleaning products you need to buy. Also, you will have a good idea how to use the products to maintain high hygiene levels in your home.

Sanitize vs. Disinfect

At the very basic, sanitizing and disinfecting go further than just cleaning. As you may know, cleaning is the act of removing dirt from a surface. On the other hand, we can define sanitizing as the lowering of the germs and pathogens on a surface to a level that’s safe enough. It can happen through cleaning or disinfecting.

In that case, disinfecting is the killing of germs using different products. While sanitizing is focused on lowering the number of germs to a level that’s safe enough, disinfecting fills almost all of the germs on objects and surfaces. Disinfecting happens through the use of chemicals (such as Yarrow Antibacterial Soap) that kill germs. As such, the process may not necessarily leave the surface clean.

When Should You Sanitize?

The best surfaces to sanitize are those that aren’t usually exposed to dangerous bacteria. Also, sanitization works well on surfaces that don’t require powerful chemicals to clean. Examples include kid’s toys and cooking appliances.

To sanitize, you will need a sanitizer. It is recommended that a sanitizer has the ability to kill up to 99.9 percent of germs like Yarrow Instant Hand Sanitizer. However, you don’t need to buy a specialized product. By mixing a bleach and water in the right ratio, you can get a very effective sanitizer. It the bleach solution has a lower concentration, it is a sanitizer. On the other hand, a highly concentrated solution is a disinfectant.

When Should You Disinfect?

In the home, you would be disinfecting a lot. That’s because the process is recommended for hospitals or situations with heavy spills of bodily fluids. At home, you need to disinfect sinks, toilets, and other surfaces with a likely high bacterial infection. Also, you should disinfect faucets, door-knobs, and other high-touch surfaces. Avoid overusing disinfectants since that may harm your health and cause environmental degradation.

Disinfectants are designed to kill 99.999 percent of germs compared to sanitizers, which can kills only 99.9 percent. Thus, a disinfecting solution is usually stronger than a sanitizing solution even though they might be composed of the same chemicals.

Can You Use Bleach As A Sanitizer or Disinfectant?

At 100 percent concentration, bleach is a very good disinfectant. However, as we observed earlier, you can mix it with water to create a solution and use it as a sanitizer. Sodium hypochlorite, one of its active ingredients can kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus. If you aren’t sure the ration of water and bleach to mix, buy readymade products. For handwashing, we recommend the Yarrow Antibacterial Hand Soap.

For more information, you can reach us at We have loads of information on things you can do to stay safe.